Francis Townsley appears in census records along with his wife and children at Hexthorpe in Doncaster. His age at death indicates he was born around 1833. However he gives his place of birth variously as Broughton (1871), Ferrybridge (1881), Yorkshire (1891) and Knottingley (1901) and the age given varies a couple of years so that his birth could be around 1834 or 1835. Francis and wife Fanny are buried together in Hyde Park Cemetery, Doncaster.
So the story of Francis going forward from his marriage in 1865 is already sketched out. But nothing much is known from the earlier years.
Clearly first step would be some information about his marriage to Fanny Stocks - which could include his father’s name. So if anyone can provide that new clue it should thin down the options. Even if the father’s name is missing ..
Finding him in the 1841 and 1851 census records would also help - but here there are other individuals named Francis Townsley that muddy the waters. So no quick fix there.
Anything that might be helpful will be gratefully received ....
- 7-Jan-2019 - Could 1871 census birth location actually be Brotherton rather than Broughton?
- 10-Jan-2019 - If born Brotherton then there is a possible Francis who appears in the 1841 census. Not baptised until 20-Apr-1838 this Francis is shown as born two years earlier (22-Feb-1836) to Frances Townsley (1813-1882) before her marriage to Richard Winter 5-Aug-1838. He then appears as Francis T(ownsley?) Winter in the 1851 Census with Frances and Richard in Rotherham.
- 10-Jan-2019 - By the 1871 census Richard and Frances Winter were resident in Doncaster. Richard died in 1874 and was buried in Hyde Park Cemetery. Frances died in 1882 and shares the same grave.
This all points to this Francis Townsley originating from Brotherton and being the person recorded as born in 1836 to Frances. Case closed?